The Future of Customer Interaction

The Future of Customer Interaction aims to paraphrase existing knowledge on global societal trends and disruptive technologies towards specific domains and situations. This is a platform where relevant information is brought together as well as a community that shares insights and interprets consequences. The aim is not just to inspire, rather to support and guide companies in strategy and innovation programs. It is all about creating a holistic view of trends and their impact on society, business and customer interaction in 2030.

The Future of Customer Interaction is an idea of The Next Organization; an internationally operating consulting firm from The Netherlands, specialised in optimising and innovating the commercial performance of companies. With initiating this concept, The Next Organization aspires to fill a gap between knowledge and its applicability with regard to the Future of Customer Interaction – a ‘white spot’ we observe and experience in their everyday practice. The objective is to create a logical place to gather valuable insights, but also to establish a ‘consultation body’ for constructive dialogues and energetic brainstorms. The platform as well as the community will be developed together with co-creating partners; from profit to non-profit organisations, from universities and business schools to film makers.

Trends can be described as developments that started in the past, are currently present, and that are expected to continue in the future. Trends show in which direction something will develop. Trend watching, an important capability, has everything to do with interpreting a development already noticed, and – unlike some people tend to think – nothing with ‘predicting’.

Wheel of Domain

Global societal trends and disruptive technologies influence every aspect of daily life, for businesses and consumers both.  The identified trends impact the aspects of life. The wheel of domain displays these aspects of life, divided in 8 sections. The different societal trends and disruptive technologies that are identified will be combined with the different domains to see what kind of affect this has on the future interaction. A clear vision of the future of customer interaction helps your organization to inspire, support and prepare for the future.

Sustainable Business Models

To remain competitive and future proof, it is essential to describe the social, economic and ecologic layer for your organization. The future of customer interaction is critical for those three layers. Integrating the future of customer interaction into these layers leads to a relevant business model for the future of your organization. The Next Organization realize sustainable growth for your organization together with your organization, in combination with the societal trends, disruptive technologies and future of customer interaction.

A quick overview of the Global societal trends and Disruptive technologies

 FCI Community

Sign up to the Future of Customer Interaction partner platform and get free access to the full website, the FCI community and the latest insights.


Knowledge is the driving force behind our organization. The Next Organization collaborates internationally with various universities and business schools.

Wheel of Domain

Here we see the different layers of the Wheel of Domain. The trends and developing technologies will have an effect on customer interaction. The wheel of domain will give you a deeper insight in the effect of a changing world in every layer of the society



A society is dynamic and moves along with the changes in the world and, at the same time, is the driver of these changes.


Social structure

Social structure refers to the pattern of social relationships in a society. Such structure regulates the interactions among members of the society.



Every society will have the same, recurring, domains which will develop and change because of the impact of trends and technologies.


Customer interaction

Ultimately, after evaluating in which domain(s) your company is active and which trends will have their effect on these domains, it is important to identify what the effect(s) on customer interaction will be.

Sustainable Business Models

A sustainable business model is essential for organizations focused on long-term results. The trends and developments and Domain’s wheel are applicable to all three aspects of a sustainable business model. It is important to first identify these three aspects in order to find their synergy and make them reinforce each other. 


Core of the organization

A sustainable business model starts at the core of the organization. The organization’s core defines its purpose, guiding beliefs and why you exist as an organization. The core of an organization influences every decision you make, forms the basis of a strong value proposition and is an important part of your brand identity.  


Social Layer

Social sustainability is about the social well-being of people and the added value the organization contributes to it. Social well-being is about people’ wellbeing, commitment and vitality, both to society at large and to customers, partners and employees. 
On our inclusive business platform, it is possible to find more information about the social layer and inclusivity. Experts and partners have worked together to provide an exhaustive overview of the literature on improving an inclusive society. You can find our inclusive business platform here. 


Ecologic Layer

Ecological sustainability is about keeping nature intact and increasing biodiversity by providing environmentally friendly products and services in an eco-friendly manner. 


Economic Layer

Economic sustainability involves managing resources and achieving profitability to ensure the continuity of the organization.

Get Started

Inspired by the Future of Customer Interaction and interested what this can mean for your organization? Contact us for one of the following sessions to help your organization develop to the next level.


Inspiration icon

To make a change within your organization, everyone needs to be on board. During a brainstorming session, we discuss the latest trends and developments and their impact on your industry with a select audience. We then look at how you as an organization can respond to this strategically.

Strategy development

Development strategy icon

For an organization to move with the latest trends and technologies and respond to changing customer needs, it is crucial to first determine the “core” of the organization. What does your organization stand for, what are the organization’s key objectives and why do people choose your organization? Then we’ll work with you to see how we need to redefine your strategy to create a sustainable, future proof, strategy.


Implementation icon

A strategy only has impact if it is implemented. At The Next Organization, we can help you not only redefine your strategy, but also guide the necessary transformation. We guide this process from A to Z, fully tailored to your needs.


Inspiration icon

To make a change within your organization, everyone needs to be on board. During a brainstorming session, we discuss the latest trends and developments and their impact on your industry with a select audience. We then look at how you as an organization can respond to this strategically.

Strategy development

Development strategy icon

For an organization to move with the latest trends and technologies and respond to changing customer needs, it is crucial to first determine the “core” of the organization. What does your organization stand for, what are the organization’s key objectives and why do people choose your organization? Then we’ll work with you to see how we need to redefine your strategy to create a sustainable, future proof, strategy.


Implementation icon

A strategy only has impact if it is implemented. At The Next Organization, we can help you not only redefine your strategy, but also guide the necessary transformation. We guide this process from A to Z, fully tailored to your needs.

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